
paper, akrylic, wood, rope

The title of my work is Ariadne, the Cretan princess from Greek mythology, whose golden thread helped Theseus to escape from the Minotaur’s Labyrinth. In this work, I do not seek to express a specific situation, but to reflect on the sense of groundlessness, instability, aimlessness and fixity that is increasingly prevalent in our society. The appearance of the ladders in the foreground, leaning against each other and in some cases deformed, is at once related to the form of playground climbing frames and the look of the work ladders used by carpenters and other workers, as if they were found to glue large paper mazes to. They are kept together and stable by chains of cords that hold the slats together, providing stability but also securing them in their untwisted, interlocked state. They are a twisted version of Ariadne’s thread, providing a solution, a way out, but also a way in.