plywood, acrylic, steel, foil, concrete, paper tape

The exhibition is a kind of (spatial) experiment, in which I sought to override my own inherent compulsion to take on meaning, in order to create a loose, organically organised and open web of meaning.

So-called outside-the-box thinking is a creative form of brainstorming in which the usual problem-solving methods and approaches are overridden, thus giving free rein to new and innovative ideas. One possible method of „breaking out of the box” is lateral thinking, named after psychologist Edward de Bono, which essentially calls for a completely new perspective to be adopted, in contrast to the logic of the old, based on chance and irrationality. Drawing on this line of thought, I have created a spatial installation in which I have created an undefined space. For this I designed objects and spatial elements that are highly variable in form and meaning. The elements are able to create spatial situations that can be rearranged and transformed, opening up new and new factors of interpretation. 

The site-specific installation, consisting of playful, associative forms, was transformed twice during the exhibition’s opening, improvisationally recreated by the invited artists, who added their own elements to further expand these instant installations, thus guaranteeing a continuous transitory nature to the static and over-rationalised format of the exhibition as a medium.