Falling space

concrete, sand, wood, barrel,
enalamel, acrylic
470x370x270 cm

We call fall zone the area – inside the playground equipment or around it –, on which the user of the equipment can fall. Its size depends on the free height of fall, which is the greatest vertical distance between the body support and the impact area. According to the MSZ EN 1176 standards, which are in accordance with the requirements of the European Union, it is necessary to create an impact-attenuating surface on the fall zone of such playground equipment that has a free height of fall greater than 0,6 meter above the playing sur face. The most widespread material for creating this protective layer is sand, due to its cheapness and high availability. For someone who was born in 1991 it was not the change of the regime, but joining the European Union in 2004 that was a determining, identity creating historical event. The EU conform playgrounds that were built after the integration, which, due to their safety and perfect implementation embody the comfort of western life, are excellent symbols of European values. However, Central and Eastern Europe an identity is not characterized by this flawlessness, rather only by the desire towards it, in consequence my playground equipment, although ‘in theory’ it endeavors to meet all standards, is not free of risks. Though the material of the pyramids placed in the fall zone is mainly sand, by mixing them with some cement and water they transform from soft sand castles into concrete thorns, erecting a monument to the left behind remnants of the past. The structure is not a jungle gym either, rather a scaffold, designating this a way our place in the game. Moreover, the cobbled up-tunnels of the ’Europe-blue’ barrels on top of it are linked, but not fixed together. It is everything but conform, everything, but natural ease. For me being Central and Eastern European is to linger for a model that, due to the lack of adequate means and materials, one can only imitate, but never reach. And this process is a tiresome work that requires creativity.